Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekend in Taipei

We went to Taipei for the weekend before the trip to the hot springs with work!
I forgot my camera so I only have some pictures from Katrin and Thelo.

Proposing in the club on Friday night.

Some ridiculous t shirts.

Shifen waterfall. We went here on Sunday.

Some man drew Christoph on the train. Looks just like him... not.

Thelo then tried to draw the man.

We set off a sky lantern. The boys destroyed it however! And we all had moustaches.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekend in Tainan

Myself, Katrin (my roomate), and Thelo (French intern from the Science Park) went to Tainan for the weekend. We took the High Speed Rail on Saturday morning and then took a shuttle bus into the city. Tainan is in the South-West of Taiwan and is the oldest place in Taiwan apparently. The weather was nice enough, it wasn't sunny but it didn't rain and it was warm. On Saturday we looked around the city, and went to a night market. On Sunday we got a bus (for an hour and a half) to Salt Mountain but it was a dump! I thought it was a mountain covered in salt but it was literally a big pile of salt!

Waffle shapes at the market.

The love tiny dogs here.

We wandered into the middle of a procession to a temple. Everyone was walking down the middle of the road letting off fireworks and singing. There were hundreds and hundreds of fireworks!

Which they then left in the middle of the road.

Night market food.

Scooter helmets at the market!

Katrin and Thelo.

Salt mountain.

Would Ben like some of these?

The dump of an amusement park at Salt Mountain!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Scooting to Lion's Head Mountain

We had Wednesday off work because of Children's Day/Tomb Sweeping Day so Katrin and I rented scooters and headed off to Lion's Head Scenic park. We hiked for a bit and saw some temples!

Our scooters!

Look at the size of the dog on the scooter to the front right!

This is what the Taiwanese do in EVERY photo so I'm just fitting in!

Taiwanese graveyard. Each person gets their own house when they're buried. But if there's a family they sometimes get bigger ones.

Temple Roof.

The dragons protect the temples.

View from mountain.

The hike!
